Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Xamfear's Deed
Xamfear's Deed
Location Marty's safe
Use Bring back to Xamfear
Game(s) Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove

Xamfear's Deed is a non-consumable item found in Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove. It is proof to show Freddi, Luther, and the townsfolk that Coral Cove Park rightfully belongs to Xamfear Duncan Dogberry Valentine. However, when Marty Sardini took over the place, he stole the deed and locked it inside his safe so that way his plans will not fail. But Freddi and Luther manage to infiltrate his home and get the Combination out of the Fake Book so they can retrieve the deed and clear Xamfear's name. In doing so, exposing Marty's scheme to the townsfolk and arresting him for his treachery. In the happy ending, Xamfear then allows the townsfolk to play in the park, causing them to cheer and clap as Freddi and Luther swim out to enjoy their victory.
