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Time Continuums

The Time Continuums are a clock quartet who sing their time song with Putt-Putt doing the spoken content in Putt-Putt Travels Through Time, but only when you click on them in the bottom left corner of the screen, but only in the real game and not the demo. They include a mouthless sundial, a female hourglass, a mustached stopwatch, and a digital alarm clock, who is always bass-voiced.


  • When the song ends, the stopwatch and sundial cheer and laugh while the digital alarm clock and hourglass are in frozen motion with toothy grins like Putt-Putt did near the beginning of the game itself.
  • In the song, the digital alarm clock flies through outer space, the hourglass sneezes, becoming allergic to history reports/essays, and while the stopwatch sings to the sundial, he changes mixed-up things back into normal ones.
  • The digital alarm clock's funnel and plug match Putt-Putt's color.
  • In the last verse, a tumbleweed flies out of nowhere, a crown lands on Putt-Putt's head, the eye of a dinosaur appears and disappears, and a chute appears sending King Putt-Putt downward.
  • In part two of the last verse, a bookworm with a chalkboard that says "2 + 2 = 4" on the top and "2 x 2 = 4" on the bottom, which are equal to the same number which is 4, but not with the subtraction nor division signs that have "2 - 2 = 0" nor "2 / 2 = 1", but only with the addition and multiplication signs, in a book because the numbers are different in those portions and a silent opera singing bird in a whistle, which Putt-Putt is on appear.
  • When the bird goes back in the whistle after it stops opera singing, Putt-Putt dances on it.
  • The part that the female hourglass is doing, which is, "That's where you'll find Pep." is spoken, not sung.
  • When the quartet sings, "Goes on forever!" after Putt-Putt says the same thing that the singers sing, but in a question, empty spotlights appear.
  • When the quartet sings the end, Putt-Putt clones appear with the spotlights that have them.
  • With a door, numbers appear, a green one, a red two, a yellow three, and a blue four.
  • The calculator and lunchbox are the only two items that are not mentioned in their song.
  • The part that the bass-voiced digital alarm clock is doing, which is, "To see new dimensions." is also spoken, not sung.
  • When Putt-Putt enters the faraway places to rescue Pep and retrieve the rest of his things, they watch him go.