Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Tami Torpedo
Tami Torpedo
Race Car
Gender Female
Pet(s) Parrot
Location Green Street, House #3
Game(s) Putt-Putt Joins the Parade
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo (cameo)

Tami Torpedo is a character in Putt-Putt Joins the Parade. She resides in house number three on Green Street. She speaks in a peppy, perky manner.


Putt-Putt Joins the Parade[]

Putt-Putt can mow her lawn if Smokey states Putt-Putt should start mowing lawns in Green Street; or deliver her groceries from Baldini's Grocery Store if Mr. Baldini requests him to do so.

In the parade, Tami carries a parrot and an orange balloon.

Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon[]

In Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon, she can be seen in the crowd.

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo[]

Tami can be heard on the radio in Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo, talking about the opening of the Cartown Zoo.

