Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Race Squid
Gender Male
Pet(s) Catfish
Game(s) Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell

The Squidfather is the overarching antagonist of Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds and Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse. He has a Catfish and a Junkyard Dogfish and only communicates by mumbling. He also spews ink whenever his patience falls low.

The Squidfather is a parody of the Godfather.

Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds[]

Prior to the start of the game, the Squidfather orders his two shark cronies, Boss and Spongehead to steal Grandma Grouper's Kelp Treasure, so he could grow some kelp for himself. Unfortunately, Spongehead was tasked to hide the chest and, in an attempt to help him remember where he hid it, placed clue bottles in various parts of the sea in order to help him remember where he hid the chest. The bottles were unfortunately found first by Freddi Fish and Luther.

When the Squidfather discovers the sharks hid the treasure but forgotten where the chest is, he soon gets very angry and starts spewing ink everywhere. However this is enough to make Spongehead remember he put the chest in the Sunken Ship, which calms down the Squidfather. The sharks are then forced to go to the sunken ship and get the chest back.

After a talk between Freddi and Luther and the sharks, the four of them decide to share the kelp seeds with everybody, including the Squidfather, so that everybody can have kelp, not just a certain person/group.

Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse[]

The Squidfather has now ordered Boss and Spongehead to steal the toys from the school guppies, so he could play with them as he never had a toy to play with. The sharks achieve this by scaring the guppies as a ghost and stealing the toys while the guppies are outside the schoolhouse. When Freddi and Luther came to the Schoolhouse to solve the case, the sharks are unable to continue their plan due to the guppies remaining in the schoolhouse.

When the Squidfather discovers this problem, he threatens the sharks to get rid of the kids and Freddi and Luther or face consequences.

After a talk between Freddi and Luther and the sharks, the sharks let Freddi and Luther return the toys they stole to the guppies, however Luther saw how much the Squidfather wanted a toy and gave the sharks his Codfish Commando Action Figure to give to the Squidfather, so that he will have at least one toy to play with.

Alternative names[]

Sprut (Russian)

