Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Sahara Slim
Sahara Slim
Gender Male
Occupation Traveller
Voice actor(s) Scott Burns
Game(s) Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch

Sahara Slim is a traveller from Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch. He is a suspect to whom could be Mr. Big, the mastermind behind the idea of hogfish rustling.

Rustling the Hogfish[]

Sahara Slim has a few clues that prove he is Mr. Big. Sometime before passing by him again, he is seen talking to telegram courier about "keeping them on ice" before he gets back. The telegrapher finishes, and hurries away. When Freddi and Luther enter the scene, he casually greets them. In the hogfish cell, the evidence to prove him is the said ice, in cubes, and a telegram telling the recipient to, as said, "keep them on ice until return". When questioned, Sahara Slim will deny, before Freddi and Luther say they knew he was secretly talking to the telegram courier about the ice, which are present. He then admits he is Mr. Big, and that he communicated to the rustlers via telegram to tell the rustlers to keep the hogfish on ice, which is to say keep them imprisoned, but it seemed that the rustlers did not get his expression.

In the event Sahara Slim is not Mr. Big, he will claim he is nothing more than a traveller, and the talk to the telegram courier is just one of his own businesses to keep something he was transporting frozen, which does not involve the hogfish.


Sahara Slim is a brown elderly fish with tan fins and a dark brown mustache. He wears a forest green hat with a red tie and a forest green vest.


  • Sahara Slim makes his own Super Stew which is mostly kelp roots and tumbleweed branches plus a few secret ingredients with one of them being three cups of paprika.
  • When he tastes his stew, he would say it's not quite ready yet. In the Bow Tie path, after adding pepper, cayenne and/or lemongrass at least once, he tastes it again and says it's ready and gives some to Freddi and Luther to taste which Luther describes it as smooth and very strong. Clicking on the pot again would have Sahara Slim offer Freddi and Luther some more stew to which they refuse.
  • Attempting to put most items in Freddi's inventory into Sahara Slim's pot would result in Freddi saying 'That doesn't sound like it would go very well', 'I don't think that would taste very good' or 'I bet that would taste awful'.
  • In the Bow Tie path, he once was a blues musician who played the harmonica, but he traded it for a bow tie to which he regrets doing so.