Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Russian Blue
Russian Blue
Race Cat
Gender Female
Occupation Head of public relations at N.O.G.
Owner/Operator of the S.S. Deadweight
Voice actor(s) Shelley Reynolds (1997-1998)
Vivienne Vermes (UK dub, 1997)
Game(s) SPY Fox in "Dry Cereal"
SPY Fox in "Cheese Chase"

Russian Blue is a female blue cat seen in SPY Fox in "Dry Cereal" and SPY Fox in "Cheese Chase". She is the noted socialite and the self-described "attractive owner of the S.S. Deadweight." She is the secondary antagonist, being "obviously in cahoots with William the Kid," as described by Monkey Penny. Her name is a pun on the cat breed of the same name.

SPY Fox in "Dry Cereal"[]

Russian Blue appears in all versions of the storyline, but she is only important in the Car Chase storyline. In all storylines, speaking to Russian Blue grants SPY Fox the Russian Blue talk balloon, which he can or must use on Monkey Penny.

In the Car Chase Path, it is revealed she is obsessed with the tango and it is the only music to which she will dance to (because, according to Russian Blue, "it takes two to tango"). When Monkey Penny reveals Blue's association with Kid, SPY Fox is given Walter Wireless and is assigned to slip him into Blue's purse. To do this, Fox must obtain a sheet of waltz music form the conductor on the ship and trade it for a sheet of tango music from Johnny Gecko and discreetly slip it onto the conductor's stand aboard the S.S. Deadweight. Upon hearing the music, Blue is put into a trance and begins to dance with Fox. With Blue distracted, SPY Fox sneaks Wireless into her purse before the dance ends. Shortly after the dance, Russian Blue will leave. After reaching Kid's lair, she finds out about Walter Wireless being in her purse, but rather than squish him, Russian Blue dropped him and left into the secret passageway to Kid's lair and (according to Wireless) said something about an exterminator.

Once SPY Fox makes it past the eye machine by wearing a N.O.G. jumpsuit, SPY Fox hears footsteps and hides in the boxes. Russian Blue then appears with William the Kid and is ordered to hide the Diode or Key Wallet or destroy a piece of paper containing the location of the Punch Card because it's the only thing to stop the Milky Weapon of Destruction. Russian Blue leaves to do so after Kid reveals that he already deposited the money into her bank account and thanks her for her help.

SPY Fox in "Cheese Chase"[]

Russian Blue is seen stealing the Prized Limburger Cheese from the Museum until SPY Fox and Professor Quack caught her in the act. She escapes in her car making SPY Fox chase after her in his SPY Scooter. SPY Fox chases her all over the world.

At the end of the game, Russian Blue becomes thirsty, so she stops by a nearby restaurant to order a drink. While she tries to make her order, SPY Fox secretly shows up and gives her a drink, but it turns out to be well-hidden handcuffs. It is then revealed that Professor Quack is in charge of the restaurant as part of SPY Fox and Professor Quack's plan to catch Russian Blue. SPY Fox sends Russian Blue to jail after returning the Limburger Cheese back to the museum.

Alternative names[]


According to Monkey Penny's description, Russian Blue also goes by the following nicknames:

  • Miz Blue
  • Old Blue
  • Kitty, kitty, kitty

In other languages

  • Maria Kis (Russian)
  • Frau Russkatz (German)


  • According to Monkey Penny and the SPY Corp database, Russian Blue's known criminal record includes indecent tangoing, dancing with intent to tango, jay-tangoing, and tangoing out of season, all of which she was acquitted from. On the British audio version "jay-tangoing" is replaced with "drinking and tangoing".
  • Russian Blue's last words in SPY Fox in "Cheese Chase" are very similar to those spoken by William the Kid in jail. Both villains state that they would have gotten away with their wrongdoings, and both blame SPY Fox for their arrests.


