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Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening
Pajama Sam 2 Box Art
Developer(s) Humongous Entertainment
Publisher(s) Humongous Entertainment
GFI (Russia)
Nimbus Games, Inc. (iOS)
Release Date(s) July 1, 1998 (PC)
2012 (iOS)
Genre(s) Point-and-Click, Adventure
Platform(s) Windows 3.1 - Windows XP
System 7 - Mac OS 9.2.2
iOS 3.0 - 5.1.1
Engine SCUMM
Input device(s) Keyboard and Mouse
Touch Screen

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening is a "point-and-click" adventure game in the Pajama Sam series developed by Humongous Entertainment in 1998. It is the second Pajama Sam game where Pajama Sam is voiced by Pamela Segall and is one of the last Humongous games to support 16-bit machines.


At the start of the game, the player will find Sam on his couch watching Pajama Man, eating Pajama Man cereal and putting together a puzzle. Outside it is pouring rain. All of a sudden, a huge bolt of lightning flashes outside the window and frightens Sam after he scatters all the puzzle pieces. Fed up with all of the rain, Sam must find his cape somewhere in his living room, go upstairs to his attic door, and finally climb up into it. Upon entry, a world on top of the clouds is revealed. It consists of the World Wide Weather corporate headquarters and weather factory, along with a sidewalk and multiple terraces around it. Sam has to go down into one of the terraces, grab a crowbar, run to a loading dock and get in a crate. A forklift will come shortly after, wheel him into another terrace, this time with a glass table, chairs, and a nametag. Sam has to collect the nametag (which acts like a corporate swipecard), walk in to the lobby, swipe the card through a slot (which will subsequently eat it) and walk into the control room where Thunder and Lightning are controlling the weather. Lightning will do a double take over her shoulder and freak out. Thunder consoles her by saying "He's only a child" and asks Sam what he is doing. Sam tries to be intimidating and replies by saying that he came to defeat thunder and lightning, but trips over his cape in the process, landing on a giant red button on the control panel, causing four vital parts to break:

  • The Snowflake Inspector (of the snow machine)
  • Y-Pipe (of the rain machine)
  • Wingnut (of the sun machine)
  • Velocimomometer (of the wind machine)

After fixing the third weather machine, Sam will get the news that Mother Nature, the head of World Wide Weather, is arriving to assess the damage. After the final machine is fixed, Sam will be called to the control panel where Mother Nature is about to arrive. Upon arrival, Mother Nature almost sees the monitors showing various disasters happening because of the mixed-up weather, but Lightning tries to stall her by showing her slides from her vacation to Cleveland and covering up the monitors with her body. When Mother Nature finally looks at the weather monitors, everything is back to normal. Mother Nature questions on who Sam is and Thunder and Lightning claim he is their "handyman", who was doing routine checks on the machines. After Mother Nature leaves, Thunder and Lightning teach Sam how to control the various machines that would be used during a thunderstorm. As Lightning tells Sam what controls the volume of the thunder, Sam turns it up all the way, then lightning strikes, and the credits roll.


Pajama Sam 2 features gameplay similar to the other Humongous games. It is played almost entirely with the mouse, using a left click to interact with the environment. Sam has an inventory which can be accessed at any time by hovering the mouse at the bottom of the screen. Clicking the computer icon on the left-hand side of the inventory brings up a menu with options to save the game, load a game, quit the game, set up the game paths, or view the credits. The spacebar pauses the game, allowing several more game options. The game is quit by either an option in the pause menu or an option in the inventory menu.

Throughout the game's course, players are challenged with solving puzzles and interacting with characters. Puzzles are solved by using items to manipulate something in the environment. These items are usually found scattered around the game world or are obtained for other characters. All items are accessible through the inventory mentioned above and all have a purpose during the game.


Main Characters[]

Other Characters[]


Key Items[]

Other Items[]

  • Apple (give to George Someone)
  • Apple Core, found in the talking trash can
  • Banana, a nose for Jersey Langston III, consumable in the Locked Bathroom storyline and non-consumable in other storylines
  • Bottle, where Wingnut hides in
  • Can of Earthquake, found in the basement to rescue Y-Pipe in the vending machine after putting the coins in
  • Can of Sunshine (closed), found near the sun machine's conveyor belts in the SID storyline
  • Can of Sunshine (open), done in the lunchroom in the SID storyline
  • Carrot, from Jersey Langston III
  • Cheese Giblets, used to distract the rock for a while, but only when Y-Pipe is in just the locker
  • Clipboard, from Thunder who gives Sam an assignment
  • Coins, used to get Y-Pipe or Cheese Giblets, but it's only used once
  • Crank Handle, found in the umbrella box
  • Crowbar, found near the Street Cleaning Bar
  • Cucumber, the original nose for Jersey Langston III in the Basement storyline, consumable in the Locked Bathroom storyline, and non-consumable in other storylines
  • Eggplant, a nose for Jersey Langston III, consumable in the Locked Bathroom storyline, and non-consumable in other storylines
  • Employee of the Month Award, sold in the SID storyline
  • Hard Hat, found near the lockers
  • ID Card, found on the table
  • Key to Executive Washroom, awarded when the quiz ends
  • Locker Combination (Birthday), found while George Someone is gone
  • Potting Soil, found in the test room in the Dust Devil storyline
  • Rubber Band, sold in the Rain Machine Wingnut storyline
  • Snowflake Inspector Detector, found on a funnel crate or the spot where Y-Pipe belongs in
  • Supply Form, used to put in the IN box, but Sam has to do it and hurry before the rock goes in and blocks it again





Each missing part has two possible locations.

  • Wingnut: He can be in the drain in the Sun Machine (D) or in the water tank (T).
  • Velo: She can be in the pipe in the basement (B) or in the executive washroom (W).
  • Y-Pipe: He can be in the vending machine (V) or in Foster Boondoggle's locker (L).
  • Snowflake Inspector: He can be hiding from the Snow Machine employees (H) or on the roof (R).

There are a total of eight paths. But the number of possible games is pretty complicated to figure out. The number allowed by the game setup is six. But the total number of games that work can be calculated as follows (the main consideration being that Sam cannot get both cheese giblets and Y-Pipe from the vending machine):

  • If Wingnut is in the drain, there are six possible games (since each other part can technically be in either of its two locations).
  • If Wingnut is in the tank, there are four possible games (Velo and the Inspector can be in either of their locations - Y-Pipe must be in the locker).
  • If Y-Pipe is in the locker, there are six possible games (since each other part can technically be in either of its two locations).
  • If Y-Pipe is in the vending machine, there are four possible games (Velo and the Inspector can be in either of their locations - Wingnut must be in the drain).

Thus, there are a total of twelve possible games that work (T and V are mutually exclusive). Only six are actually used: DBVH, DWVH, DWVR, DBLH, TWLR, and TBLR, but in debug mode, the rest of the games are: DBVR, DBLR, DWLH, DWLR, TWLH, and TBLH.


  • This is the first game in which Pajama Sam doesn't wear his mask from the previous game, this would continue for the rest of the series.
  • After Sam fixes the wind machine, the background of him is blue without lines instead of gray with them, but only when the day is not over yet.
  • After Sam fixes the snow machine as the last one, Mother Nature says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get to the Alps.".
  • After Sam fixes the sun machine as the last one, Mother Nature says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in Acapulco/New Yorker.".
  • In the British dub, the place is New Yorker.
  • In the broken snow machine where Jersey Langston III is located, there is a long pause.
  • In the British dub, Foster Boondoggle is referred to as Humphrey Boondoggle.
  • In the British dub, Rudy Beagle is referred to as Suzy Beagle.
  • The only machine not to have power after Sam accidentally pressed the red button over yellow and black stripes is the sun machine.
  • In the British dub, Captain Gelatin is referred to as Captain Jelly.
  • While in the bathroom, there can be an Easter egg found if you press the up, left and right keys while clicking on the toilet.
  • In the demo, the Save/Load icon is not used.
  • The characters who hear Thunder (a male PA announcer in the British and foreign dubs) say "Attention, all personnel, the president is arriving. This is not a drill." are Pajama Sam, Jersey Langston III, the Automated Snowflake Inspector, Velo, and Y-Pipe (excluding Wingnut, which is in Pajama Sam's pocket).
  • Near the end of the game, Thunder says, "Attention, all personnel, the president is arriving. This is not a drill." in the US dub, but in the British and foreign dubs, a male PA announcer says that instead of her.
  • After Sam fixes the sun and wind machines when the day isn't over yet, a TV appears and Thunder says, "Hello, Sam!".
  • After Sam fixes the rain and snow machines when the day isn't over yet, a TV appears and Thunder says, "Sam?".
  • While two of the weather machines are fixed, sometimes Thunder asks Lightning how the initial incident report is coming, but when Sam fixes three, the initial incident report won't happen.
  • When the stairs are made out of the crates: one yellow, two blues, three whites, four oranges, five pinks, and six blacks, Sam and Velo talk to each other in the basement automatically after Sam says, "That looks like one of the weather machine pieces I'm supposed to find.".
  • The lunchroom has a Tic-Tac-Toe game, where the player is the ketchup and the computer is the mustard or the player is the mustard and the computer is the ketchup, which works vice-versa.
  • In the Basement Velo storyline, the Chairman and his Board Members: Larch, Birch, and Splinter, stay in the board room forever, but in the Bathroom Velo one, they disappear forever instead, except for Carrot who also stays and only stays in that one.
  • The numbers of characters who hear Thunder (a male PA announcer in the British and foreign dubs) say "Attention, all personnel, the president is arriving. This is not a drill." are one in the sun machine, which is Sam alone, two in the wind machine, which are Sam and Velo, the same number of wind machine characters in the rain machine, which are Sam and Y-Pipe, two in the rain machine, which are Sam and Y-Pipe, the same number of rain machine characters in the wind machine, which are Sam and Velo, and three in the snow machine, which are Sam, the Automated Snowflake Inspector, and his boss, Jersey Langston III.
  • Before Sam puts Velo back in the wind machine, he sometimes says, "I should turn this back first!", but only when it faces the wrong way.
  • While Sam plays with the wind machine for the first time, he says, "Hey! This thing turns.".
  • While Sam plays with the wind machine for the second time, he says, "It turns backwards, too.".
  • In the lunchroom, the Tic-Tac-Toe board is red, not yellow, but only the ketchup draws it.
  • Before Tic-Tac-Toe is played in the lunchroom, the player selects the ketchup or the mustard.
  • When Sam says, "I'm way too small to climb that ladder now.", "I'm way too small to climb down that ladder.", "I'm too small to reach the slide.", and "I can't put Wingnut back yet. I'm too small to reach.", what he means is "I wish I were taller!".
  • When Sam says, "I'm way too big to fit in that hole.", what he means is "I wish I were smaller!".
  • When Sam is bigger, he presses buttons, but when he is smaller, he struggles and pushes them in.
  • When the plus button is pressed, the conveyor belt moves right.
  • When the minus button is pressed, the conveyor belt moves left.
  • There are a few sayings by other characters after Thunder (a male PA announcer in the British and foreign dubs) says, "Attention, all personnel, the president is arriving. This is not a drill.":
    • "Quick, everybody. Get back to work?" - Sam in the Snow Machine with Langston and the Inspector
    • "I've got to hurry!" - Sam in the Sun Machine alone
    • "No time to argue. This is an emergency!" - Sam in the Rain Machine with Y-Pipe
    • "Gee, the Company President. Something big must be happening." - Velo in the Wind Machine with Sam
  • Pressing the ending button in debug mode will make Mother Nature say, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in Acapulco/New Yorker." as her original line of dialogue.
  • After Sam fixes the snow machine as the last one, the ending will be different and Mother Nature will say, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get to the Alps." instead of "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in Acapulco/New Yorker.", but this only happens once.
  • When Sam goes to the overlook from the Control Room, the default music is Weather Factory 1.


  • After Sam fixes the wind machine as the last one, Mother Nature says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in Acapulco/New Yorker."
  • After Sam fixes the rain machine as the last one, Mother Nature says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in Acapulco/New Yorker."
  • When Sam hits the Red Button and the scene cuts to Thunder and Lightning, they are seen facing the wrong direction because the Red Button is behind them and they are facing the door.

Demos the game uses[]

Games that use the demo[]

