Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Mrs. Halibut
Mrs Halibut
Race Halibut
Gender Female
Family Gabby (son)
Game(s) Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds

Mrs. Halibut is Gabby's mother.


Mrs. Halibut is a large purple fish with blonde hair, a magenta pink dress, and a straw hat.


In Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds, her son Gabby is trapped under a rock pile in a cave. Mrs. Halibut tries to help him, but is too big to fit inside and becomes stuck in the entrance. After Freddi Fish and Luther pull her free, she asks for their help. After Freddi and Luther use a wooden board to pry the rock off and free Gabby, the three exit the cave, and mother and son are reunited. As a reward for saving her son, Mrs. Halibut gives the duo a purple sea urchin before they leave.

Gabby and Mrs. Halibut are later shown as Freddi and Luther return the kelp treasure to Grandma Grouper, but only if the player had Freddi and Luther save Gabby. If not, the segment is skipped.
