Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Fiddler Crab
Fiddler Crab
Race Crab
Gender Male
Voice actor(s) Scott Burns
Game(s) Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds
Freddi Fish: ABC's Under the Sea

Fiddler Crab is an opera-singing crab who gives Freddi Fish and Luther his Fishing Pole when they free him from a cage he's been locked in.


Fiddler Crab is a red crab with a peach-like mouth and a curled mustache

Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds[]

For unknown reasons, Fiddler Crab ended up locked in a cage at the beach. When asked what's wrong, he tells Freddi Fish and Luther through song that he would give them his fishing pole if they let him out of the cage. After getting a key, Freddi unlocks the cage, freeing the crab, who then gives the duo his fishing pole as a reward. Now when he's clicked on, he would play some music with his claw. Freddi and Luther applaud him afterwards. While Fiddler Crab can be rescued in all storylines, it is only required to rescue him in the Deep Canyon storyline.

Fiddler is later shown as Freddi and Luther return Grandma Grouper's Kelp Treasure to Grandma Grouper if the player has Freddi and Luther save him. If not, that segment is skipped.

Freddi Fish: ABC's Under the Sea[]

Fiddler appears in the sea bed, where he invites Freddi to the Sandy Beach to draw pictures in the sand.
