Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Race Repairfish
Gender Female
Occupation Mechanic
Voice actor(s) Kelly Wright
Game(s) Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove

Donna is a 16-year-old repairfish in Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove. Her boyfriend is Laren. She when Freddi and Luther offer to investigate the sea monster for Marty Sardini.

In one game route, she is found by the claw machine, which is broken. She cannot fix it without her Screwdriver, which is part of a bracelet. She lost the bracelet in a Jawfish Cave. She's too scared to go there, so Freddi and Luther offer to get her tool back. After they get it back, she immediately gets to work fixing the claw machine.

She is finally seen at the end cheering and clapping with all other citizens when Freddi and Luther save the park and when Xamfear Duncan Dogberry Valentine opens the park for them all.


Donna is a chatty and sociable sort, who sometimes hangs out with friends. She likes doing her repair jobs and is very good at them. She is easily startled by any scary-looking sea creature including Xamfear Duncan Dogberry Valentine and Jawfish.


  • "I have. And it scared the dickens out of me."
  • "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both. My name's Donna. I'm a claw machine repair fish."
  • "That machine's broken. I'm here to fix it, but I can't because I lost my screwdriver the other day."
  • "It's a pretty scary story."
  • "It was just a regular day."
  • "I had finished work early and was swimming around Coral Cove Park with some friends. Suddenly, a giant creature appeared. It scared me so badly that my charm bracelet, which had the screwdriver on it, fell into a jawfish cave."
  • "I'm scared to death of that monster and that jawfish. I'm not going back there!"
  • "Right on! I'll have this machine fixed lickety-split."
  • "Yep. All done. It takes one purple sea urchin to play. Have fun."
  • "Yeah, what is ours!"


  • She appears in the Planktos storyline, but in both storylines, she appears in cutscenes.