Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Doll and Lee
Doll and Lee
Race Sheep
Gender Female
Occupation Scientists
Voice actor(s) Kit Harris (US)
Kim Michelle Broderick (UK)
Game(s) SPY Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required"

"Don't come running to us…"

"…with your troubles."

"I think he wants us to clone it, Doll."

"Very well, Lee. You do the honors."

"No, after you. I insist."

"No, please, after you."

Doll and Lee are the sheep twins in SPY Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required". They are named after Dolly, a sheep that was the first mammal to ever be cloned. One thing about Dolly is that she was born in 1996 and died in 2003. They each speak a line and a half like the Two-Headed Alien.

These twin scientists are found at Ewe Clone It, the cloning pavilion at the World's Fair. SPY Fox uses their cloning machine to duplicate the ingredient required for Chef Dinah's recipes.


  • When Doll says, "Don't touch that!", what she means is "Hands off!".