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Race Barberfish
Gender Male
Occupation Barber
Voice actor(s) Craig English
Game(s) Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove

Clyde is a barber fish in Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove. When Freddi Fish and Luther meet him, he is giving Mayor Marlin a makeover.


  • "I'm Clyde. The mayor's all yours as soon as I'm done with his makeover."
  • "It's just that I'm missing my number ??? fin pick." (The exact number varies.)
  • "It must be back in my barbershop. I'm so absent-minded these days."
  • "What dears. Quick as a bunny, just run over to my barbershop. The fin pick should be right there."
  • "Hang these keys up on the hook inside the barbershop when you found the fin pick."
  • "It's dish soap. He's soaking in it."
  • "Shush! The mayor is not to be disturbed."
  • "Oops! This isn't the right fin pick." (If Freddi and Luther give him the wrong fin pic.)
  • "I need a number ??? fin pick. The mayor's look depends on it."
  • "Ooh! You're so efficient!"
  • "But of course. I'll only be a moment."
  • "All done! See you tomorrow, Mayor Marlin."
  • "Thanks! I did all the decorating work."
  • "I've got some great ideas for you."