This category contains articles related to the items found in the various Humongous Entertainment games.
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Socks -
Magnet -
Y-Pipe -
Automated Snowflake Inspector -
Pajama Sam Mask -
Lunchbox (Portable Bad-Guy Containment Unit) -
Gas Can -
Illuminator Mark V Jr.
All items (419)
- Bag
- Bag of Peanuts
- Balloon
- Balloon Maker
- Banana
- Banana Shooter
- Bandana
- Barbell
- Batteries
- Battery
- BCS-4000 Bean Sorter Manual
- Beekeeper Hat
- Belt Buckle
- Bert
- Birthday Cake
- Blue Lapis
- Blue-Tailed Joie Bird Feather
- Bolt
- Bonbon
- Bone
- Book of Clues
- Book of Untying Knots
- Bottles
- Bow Tie
- Bowling Shirt
- Bowling Shoes
- Box Tops
- Boxes of Cookies
- Brick
- Buried Treasure
- Business Card
- Calculator
- Camera
- Can of Earthquake
- Can of Sunshine
- Candle
- Candy Cane
- Cane
- Canned Laughter
- Cannon Angle Blueprint
- Cape
- Carbucks Cocoa
- Card Description
- Carrot
- Carrots
- Case Folder
- Cayenne
- Charm Bracelet
- Cheese
- Cheese Giblets
- Cheez-n-Safe Cracker Kit
- Chef's Uniform
- Chewy Fruity Wagon Wheels
- Chicken Knuckles
- Chiclepichu Amulet
- Chiclet
- Chisel
- Chocolate Chips
- Chunk of Beauty Clay
- Circus Flyer
- Claw-Shaped Boxing Glove
- Clear Goggles
- Clipboard
- Clock
- Clown Nose
- Cock-A-Doodle Fu Instruction Book
- Codfish Commando Action Figure
- Combination
- Conch Shell
- Condiments
- Congeal Pill Recipe
- Cork
- Cotton Candy
- Crank Handle
- Crowbar
- Crutch
- Crystal Pendant
- Crystals
- Cucumber
- Fake Book
- Fin-Pics
- Fingerprint Replicator Utensil Kit
- Fireflies
- Firewood
- Flashlight
- Flea Entourage
- Flippers
- Floss
- Flour
- Flowers
- Foreign Language Phrase Book
- Francine's Bathing Suit
- Free Dance Lesson Card
- Free Pass
- Freshwater Pearl
- Frog Suit
- Funhouse Mirror
- Funny Putty