Humongous Entertainment Games Wiki
Bette Bandwagon
Bette Bandwagon
Race Steam Calliope
Gender Female
Occupation Orchestra Conductor / Musician / Singer
Voice actor(s) Laura Kenny
Game(s) Putt-Putt Joins the Circus

Bette Bandwagon is a Steam Calliope wagon. She is the circus conductor, orchestra, and accompaniment of BJ Sweeney's Big Top Circus.


Bette has a red body with gold trimmings, two small front wheels, two large rear wheels, a yellow pipe organ and a gray chimney.


Bette is responsible for providing music and song for the circus show. However her pipes get mixed up and the Honkish Translation Book clogs up her chimney. To get the book that Putt-Putt can use to talk to Honko the Clown, he helps out by arranging her pipes from lowest to highest notes. Afterwards, she'll sing a song for him.
